Walking Sticks


Walking Stick I (2016)
Wood, steel, rope
35 cm x 28 cm x 197 cm

Walking Stick II (2016)
Wood, steel, rope
32 cm x 28 cm x 184 cm

Walking Stick III (2018)
42 cm x 40 cm x 202 cm

Walking Stick IV (2018)
22 cm x 20 cm x 174 cm

Walking Stick V  (2018)
Composite, glass
25 cm x 25 cm x 210 cm

Walking Stick VI (2018)
Aluminium, composite
25 cm x 25 cm x 166 cm

Joep van Lieshout has started to work on a new series of artworks entitled ‘CryptoFuturism’. With these works he wants to focus on the contrast, the longing for both the primitive and the progressive. The title refers to Futurism, the early 20th century cultural movement which wanted to change to world by applying technology and progress, and which glorified violence and war. The result of this conflict, however, was not the rise but the demise of the cultural significance of Futurism, and led the group to merge with the Fascist movement. Now as well as during the advent of Futurism, our world is undergoing significant technological and societal changes – globalization, terrorism, big data and smart technology – and populist, even fascist movements seem on the rise.

As part of this series, Van Lieshout has created two related staff-shaped “walking sticks”, sculptures that seem like scepters of wisdom. These refer to visionaries, forerunners who redeem the masses and lead the way into the future. One of the staffs shows an image of devotion, rationality and loss, whilst the other staff refers to primitivism and fertility. The staffs question the position of visionaries and prophets, and the steps one needs to take before reaching the way into the future.

Walking Sticks (2016-) was part of the following exhibition(s):
Vrijplaats bij MIJ, Museum IJsselstein, IJsselstein (NL), 2019
Killing Time, Willem Twee, Den Bosch (NL), 2018

For enquiries: please contact Atelier Van Lieshout via info@ateliervanlieshout.com